Delhi based Youtuber Sejal Kumar is another millennial who set her own path with an unusual career – ditching the regular 9-5 monotony. The-22-year-old first made her presence felt on Youtube back in 2012, when the Indian audiences were just starting to relate to the medium. The now popular vlogger’s content ranges from fashion, beauty to DIY series on trending topics like make up hacks and product customization. Apart from creating content, Sejal shares a large chunk of her personal life through her travel vlogs that highlight her everyday life and her inner-circle. Sejal is known for her pertinence with the masses as her videos are about the day-to-day conundrum faced by girls of today, whether it’s their hassle regarding beauty, fashion or fitness. The Youtube star keeps it interesting by additional videos for entertainment purposes that showcase her playful side. Recently, the social media starlet shared her vocal skills by posting music covers of popular international music icons and has received major appreciation for the same. Sejal Kumar will also be pleasantly surprising the audience with another one of her hidden skill, as she will be seen in an upcoming web series acting for the first time.

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